Thursday, December 23, 2010

Forever ain't too long

So I sit and look at pictures thinking about you and I realize how we was BEST friends we was and I miss it! I would die to have it back that way! Why can we be BEST friends again? You act as if you don't even know me but you do the same stuff you did with me with her, I miss it, I miss you, I miss having a good time with you and hearing your voice/laugh/&goodol'hugs! You promised me BEST friends FOREVER! What happened to that? I guess forever ain't as long as it should be. :'(

ps. iloveyou


  1. "Forever" should mean forever.
    I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

  2. Just checking back for a new posting.
